Custom ROS messages that come with SDK.
Header header
uint32 xmin # X coordinate of the upper left corner, where bounding box of an object starts
uint32 ymin # Y coordinate of the upper left corner, where bounding box of an object starts
uint32 xmax # X coordinate of the bottom right corner, where bounding box of an object ends
uint32 ymax # Y coordinate of the bottom right corner, where bounding box of an object ends
string Class # Class name of an object
float32 probability # Probability that the object belongs to the class
geometry_msgs/PointStamped position # Position of the object
Header header
BoundingBox[] boundingBoxes # An array of bounding boxes
Header header
sensor_msgs/Image leftImage # Left rectified image
stereo_msgs/DisparityImage disparityImage # Disparity image estimated with respect to the left rectified image